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Finish blunder
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Author:  Bailey [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Finish blunder

What to do.
I am currently at a loss. My first guitar project and I may have made a drastic error.
I used the Stewart Mac Kit finishing package they offered as a beginner option.The kit included the filler/sealer/Lacquer and polishing compounds needed to do a guitar. The filler stage seemed like I never got the Rosewood pores filled. Fill/sand/fill/sand forever. incredible eyesight (reading the can label) sprayed Lacquer instead of sealer coat. I only realized this after I sprayed and sanded 2 coats of Lacquer instead. I chose to continue to coat lacquer finishes instead of attempting to backtrack and seal coat over the lacquer coat I already sprayed.
What I now have are 6 coats of lacquer and some grain lines showing through the finish. My assumption is that I have a finished product with a wood grain detail finish (sides and back) that I will need to live with. I guess that's not all bad. It is at least uniform. The top looks great.
Is it possible to lightly sand the lacquer finish, apply sanding sealer, lightly sand and start the Lacquer finish process all over again...or am I at the point of no fix and no return.
Kent Bailey

Author:  David Newton [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finish blunder

I believe some builders use nitro (reduced probably) as sealer, then full weight coats.
You'll be fine.

Author:  jackwilliams [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finish blunder

I don't know about reversing the process, if it were me I'd continue sanding and spraying more lacquer; what you are trying to do ( If I understand) is to fill the remaining pores. you'll be okay without the sanding sealer, it'll just take more lacquer to get the job done. Allow plenty of time between coats.

Author:  TonyKarol [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finish blunder

Spray another half duz coats ... let sit for a couple weeks. Flat sand the heck out of it with 400 grit, till the pores are flat (no shine left). Spray another half duz coats. Let sit 3-4 weeks. Go thru the grits and polish/buff.

I dont use sealer at all .... lacquer over scuffed up zpoxy. Most sanding sealers have stearates in them which make the product softer than the lac is ...

Author:  Randolph [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finish blunder

One of the differences between laquer and sanding sealer is that the solids in sanding sealer break down very easily compared to laquer. This means that you can certainly use laquer only for your finish but sanding inbetween coats will be a lot more work. Jack is right. Allow plenty of time between coats or the laquer will ball up on you when you try to sand it.

Author:  Bailey [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finish blunder

Thanks to all who replied. I'm embarrassed that this was even an issue to ask for feedback.
More Lacquer is on the way.....and I'm moving forward.
Kent Bailey

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